Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cameron's 8th Birthday celebration

For those of you who know me well, you know my love of entertaining and doing parties, especially birthday parties. So, this year was especially hard not to have a "party" for Cameron's 8th birthday. Since I had just gotten home with Noah about 2 weeks before Cameron's celebration, I just did not feel I had the energy to entertain several kids for a party. I felt like I was letting Cameron down in several ways. However, Cameron did not seem phased at all and was excited about having a "smaller" party with just a few close friends and going to the museum of his choice to play. So, we were off to the Marbles Kids Museum in Raleigh (great museum!) with Cameron, Gresham, Mason and Beau. They seemed to have a great time at the museum playing. Then we had a few friends and family join us to celebrate a little more with pizza and cookie cake, Cameron's favorite!

Happy 8th Birthday Cameron!

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