Friday, April 30, 2010

fab find friday!

Ok, so it is 11pm and I am just now remembering to do my weekly "fab find friday!" I guess it still counts, since it is not midnight yet!

I was in the mall today and received another comment about how cute these little re-usable snack bags are. So, I thought it fitting to use them as today's fab find friday item! These cute little bags are from Waste Not Saks, through They come in lots of different prints and two different sizes. I stumbled across them over the holidays and bought one for Noah and one for my nephew, Max. My sister-in-law has enjoyed hers as much as I have! They are perfect for carrying pretzels, cheerios, goldfish, etc in the diaper bag or your purse. And, they are for grown-ups too! So much better that constantly using plastic bags once and having to throw them away!


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