Monday, April 19, 2010

movie night

About a year or so ago I started this thing at our house of trying to have a movie night about once a month. I know that lots of families do a "movie night," but I tried to make ours a bit different and fun for the boys. So, if you are in need of an idea for a family fun night with children ages 4ish and up, try a movie night complete with homemade tickets, a concession stand, movie theatre candy, and a comfy lounge area in the floor for movie viewing. Oh, and don't forget to make it all dark like in the real theatre! My boys love it when we do this. I will usually pretend to be the "ticket" person and find a spot in the kitchen to set up the ticket booth. Then I put movie candy (the best place for theatre candy is Target!) and popcorn all around the kitchen and make them use tickets to make their purchases. The kids really do feel like they are getting an extra special night out "at the movies" and we don't have to leave the house.

So, over the weekend, the boys decided that they wanted to do movie night for us! I was very excited to see what those creative little minds would come up with. However, I was not prepared for how creative Cameron would be! Just take a look at these photos. He had an art show before the movie complete with a few of Bryson's paintings from earlier in the day, homemade movie tickets for each of us, even Noah!, and he and Bryson had on aprons for uniforms WITH name tags, and to finish it all off, Cameron had his very own microphone to announce when the movie would begin! It was the cutest thing and the best time I have ever had the movies!!!!!!!!

PS.... we watched "Where the wild things are" and although it was not what I was expecting, it was quite cute!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, Jenn! I love seeing all these creative ideas from the world of blogs!
