Friday, May 21, 2010

fab find friday!

Yeah.... it's Friday already! This week seemed short to me, maybe because I only worked three days? Anyway... Friday is here! So, time for Fab Find Friday!

It's.... Mommy Calling Cards or Playdate Cards. I just love this concept. So much so that I ordered some of these for my sister-in-law for a gift last year and then some for myself as well. I have noticed that my sister-in-law laminated one of hers and hung it on her diaper bag. What a great idea! That way when you drop the little ones at preschool or the church nursery, the info they need is right there! I also think these are just perfect to give out when you are having a conversation with a fellow mom and you are trying to plan a playdate or just need to exchange contact info. How much easier is it to hand a card (and a cute one at that!) than fumble for pen and paper?!! I really love these and there are so many choices out there. These are a few of my Etsy favorites, but all sorts of sites have them now.

Here's the link info in case you also like any of these:
the top two are from Sarah + Abraham Paper Goods on You can customize the top one to whatever sihouette you need for your children! Novel idea, huh?!

The next one has to be one of my favorites. It is from Oh Smile by Eva on I love the idea of your name and your husband's name on the card "equals" and then your children's names! How clever! She has many other styles as well.

And the round one is from Posh Girl Boutique also on I love the round - very different and unexpected!

Enjoy! TGIF!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog. I found you through Garnish. I always like finding a blog with similar tastes to mine. Very refreshing. Thank YOU!
