Monday, May 10, 2010

the strawberry patch

Doug asked me about a week or so ago what I wanted to do this year on Mother's Day. Usually when he asks I never really know, but we usually end up doing a nice lunch and then going to Duke Gardens to meander through the flowers and feed the ducks. Although I LOVE doing that, this year I decided to change it up a bit and we would all take a trip to visit a strawberry patch! The plan was to go as a family to pick strawberries and then come back home and make something using our strawberries, a recipe that we had picked together and had never made before! A complete adventure all the way around... picking strawberries and cooking!

We ventured out to Whitted Bowers Farm, about 10 miles north of HIllsborough. The farm is completely organic and could not have been prettier. The weather was absolutely picture book on Mother's Day, so that helped, but their land is very serene and picturesque. I thought we would all enjoy strawberry picking (Cameron has not been since a kindergarten field trip), but I never imagined how much the ENTIRE family would get "into" it! Bryson had a blast and did not want to leave. I think he would have picked strawberries until dusk if we would have let him. And, even little Noah enjoyed finding the red "balls" as he would say! Side note, "ball" is definitely his first real word other than mama and dada! Too cute! And he did a good job practicing his "walking" up and down the rows and rows of strawberry plants.

After about three big baskets full, we decided it was time to head back home and start cooking! We decided to make a strawberry crisp. Although time got away from us, we managed to "whip up" our strawberry crisp which turned out fantastic! I would definitely recommend this recipe. It was great fun to actually use something we "worked" for and turn it into a tasty treat!

We hope your family has as much fun as we did picking strawberries this year!

Strawberry Crisp Recipe

*1 cup uncooked oatmeal
*1 cup all purpose flour
*1 cup brown sugar
*1/2 cup butter
*1/2 cup sugar
*3 cups sliced strawberries

mix together oatmeal, flour and brown sugar. cut in butter until crumbly. (you can add chopped walnuts here if desired)

in another bowl, mix strawberries with white sugar

grease an 8 inch square pan. spread half crumb mixture on bottom. cover with strawberries. spread remaining crumb mixture over top.

bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes. serve warm or cold with whipped topping or vanilla ice cream!


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