Monday, June 28, 2010

gommy's birthday dinner

"Gommy," aka my mom, celebrated her birthday last month. Unfortunately, our family was not able to be there for her birthday dinner because Doug and I were out of town enjoying an "adult" weekend and member/guest golf tourney in Hickory! So, even though it was a bit late, we decided to celebrate with Gommy in an ultra fancy restaurant..... Casa de Koehler!!! Yes, we transformed our dining room into an ultra posh restaurant complete with fancy place settings, menus (handmade by my own artist, Cameron!) and the most handsome waiters you have ever seen! The boys LOVED doing this for Gommy! So much so, that the next morning Bryson asked if he could be our waiter again for breakfast!

PS. Cameron named our "restaurant "The Dino Bite!" I thought that was the cutest and most creative thing!!!!

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