Thursday, June 10, 2010

the last day of school

OK, the whole "last day of three year old preschool" thing was hard enough. But, now, the last day of third grade for Cameron!?! Where have all these years gone???? Shouldn't he only be going to kindergarten next year, not fourth grade?????

The third grade had a luau party to celebrate the end of the year. And what a great year it has been for Cameron. He had a wonderful teacher, met some good new friends, was extremely successful with his first End of Grade testing experience, had artwork featured in the Orange County Art show, was on his teacher's "Dean's List," and was a Terrific Kid again for the character trait "respect." We are very proud of you Cameron! And, although we are looking forward to fourth grade, we will definitely miss our third grade teacher, Ms. Dean!!!!!! Thanks for a great year!

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