Monday, July 19, 2010

no crabs at the beach ...just happy clams!

We're back! And, we have almost made it through our first full day of "back to reality!" Although, I am missing the beach and being with family terribly right now, it is always nice to sleep in your own bed again after vacation.

Our summer vacation week at the beach was just great. We had a week full of fun, sun (and a few rain showers here and there) and sand! We all enjoyed a trip to the NC aquarium (which I wish I could have recorded so you could watch Noah's reaction to the fish! His favorite new word!!!!) playing in the surf and sand with our cousins, Max and Miller, a trip over to Cape Lookout lighthouse, dinner out in Atlantic Beach, a day at the water park and lunch and checking out boats in Beaufort! Lots of fun!!! The pics pretty much speak for themselves, but I took so many, I think I'll post in pieces!

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