Sunday, August 8, 2010

another idea to share....

I got so busy Friday that I forgot to post this Fab Find Friday item..... so here goes..... a bit late! I love this idea!!!! Bath and Body Works has these little apple soap and hand sanitizers on sale right now (I got mine three for $15, but online they are $6/each). Since back-to-school is right around the corner, I thought this would be the perfect little gift to take to a teacher on the first day to say "hello!" I bought the sanitizer ones because I thought they would look so perfect on any teachers desk AND be so useful with all those classroom germs floating around!! If you are interested in these, I would not wait too long. My local Bath and Body was getting a bit low last week.

And, PS.... I took ribbon some ribbon I had with the alphabet printed on it to add a little "educational touch" to it! Thought it was the perfect addition!


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