Wednesday, August 25, 2010

off to preschool and 4th grade!

Back to school! Yesterday was the first day of a new daycare class/teacher for Noah and a new preschool class/teacher (and new building!) for Bryson. And today was the first day of 4th grade for Cameron! Where has the time gone?????!!!! I feel like if things don't slow down I will be sending them off to college before I know it!

All the boys had GREAT first days! We are looking forward to a great school year with many good memories!


  1. Awww, this makes me want to cry! I'm so not ready for Chase to go to school! I want him to stay a baby. :) Love the bookbag as well. They grow up so fast!!!

  2. Awww! So cute!! Noah backpack is sooo cute Mrs.Jenn! Yesterday Noah was outside playing in the sandbox i was walking down beside your house and i said Noah can i have a hug??? And he starts running as fast as he can and gives me a big hug..... They just made my day! :) He is such a cute boy as Cameron and Bryson are!
