Saturday, September 11, 2010

dimes for disney!

About a month or so ago, Doug and I came up with the idea that we would start a "fund" with all spare change we had or the kids had, or earned, and then that fund would become their spending money in Disney. We agreed with the boys that whatever amount was in the jar, they would split (since Noah didn't really understand this concept!). This was a huge hit in our house for the past month or so. We even had "outside" help.. some other people donated to the fund!

And, today, the day before our big trip, we all took the jar to the bank cash machine to see what we ended up with! The jar is about 10 inches tall and maybe four inches in diameter. Would you like to guess how much you think the boys ended up with??!! If so, leave a comment for us and we will tell you exactly how much they were able to spend when we return next week!!!

1 comment:

  1. love that idea! i bet they each get $30?!!? am i close? have a BLAST in disney! i can hardly wait until reagan is old enough to take her!!
