Sunday, September 26, 2010

top ten things i learned while on our disney vacation

Here is a list of the ten things I learned about Florida/Disney while on vacation....

1. Florida is HOT!
2. Backpacks are life savers for small children in the airport and on plane rides!
3. Explain to a 4 year old who has never been on an airplane that the plane does make turns in the air before the pilot actually does so!!!
4. Disney's Photopass program is FANTASTIC!
5. When the book says "allow up to an hour to travel between parks," believe them!
6. For the best keepsake ever, have your children record (either words or pictures!) a travel journal each night when you get back your hotel! Trust me, you'll be glad you did when you back home reading through it teary-eyed!
7. An 18 month old does not have to be laying horizontal to have an hour long nap!
8. Do not feel like you have to do everything, because you won't!
9. There is not another moment of a vacation you will remember more than seeing a child's eyes the first time they step foot inside the Magic Kingdom!

and the last thing I learned while on vacation....

10. Did I mention Florida is HOT??!!!!!!

photos to come.....

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