Friday, October 22, 2010

preschool pals

This week has been miles beyond busy for our house! Like last year, we are in full "party mode" around here! Also like last year, we are hosting not one, but two, parties this weekend. It's a love/hate thing for me!

However, it was nice to take some time this week to spend one-on-one time with Bryson at his annual fall preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch! This year we ventured to Maple View Farms in Chapel Hill. It is absolutely gorgeous out there on those perfect fall days. And we were lucky enough to have just that! However, as Bryson will tell you, Maple View is a working farm and so it smells like a working farm during the hayride!

I wish I had snapped more photos of the the farm itself, but here are a couple of shots of Bryson and his pals....the animals and the children!

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