Monday, October 11, 2010

the things we do....

With fall here (I just LOVE fall!!!!), it makes me want to be inside a bit more during the evening with the boys, playing "inside" games and baking! I am not a cook, but I do love to bake in the fall and winter.... especially chocolate chip pumpkin bread!

Anyway, I was talking with Cameron a couple of weeks ago and we decided that with fall here and winter coming, we should start doing something we used to do as a family. When summer hits, we tend to be outside so much that we forget our "inside" games/activities. So, we decided that at least once a month, maybe twice, we would dedicate one Friday night to family craft, movie, or game night! And each night would have a sort-of "theme" to make it fun!

So, Friday night we started off with family craft night. Even little Noah participated. Cameron wanted to show us all how to make pirate hats out of folded paper, so that was our theme. Pirate night! We enjoyed "pirate pizza" and "pirate ships" (see photo below for how I did that one! Celery and peanut butter turned into a pirate ship!) Then, we designed our hats. Then, we enjoyed "pirate pudding" for dessert. (aka... dirt cups with crushed Oreos and pudding!)

The boys loved this and it was so nice to focus on each other and enjoy being together!

Next up..... movie night.... "How to train Your Dragon"...... Dragon night!

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