Saturday, October 30, 2010


I know, I have said it before... but I LOVE Halloween and the fall season!

I worked on treats this week for some friends and family and teachers at the boys' schools. I was pretty pleased with the outcome and thought I would share. Just to give you some ideas for next year!

These are Oreo balls, or Oreo truffle balls. I am sure you have heard about them or seen the recipe online. If not, then you MUST run to the grocery for Oreos and make them today! My neighbor made these a couple of years ago and my entire family devoured them in about a day. You can find the recipe here.

I decided, with the help of my little nine year old!, to turn ours into pumpkins for a Halloween treat. So, instead of dipping in Almond Bark or chocolate, we dipped in orange colored candy discs. Then, we took a piece of green Twizzler, cut and attached it a stem! Could not have been easier! And, once all packaged up, turned out pretty cute! One other idea is that you could dip them in the orange and then leave the lollipop stick in (but the ball upside down) and then tie a green ribbon to the stick to give the "look" of a stem. Great idea for kids to enjoy.

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