Saturday, November 27, 2010

we have a new family tradition!

First.. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Our family was truly blessed to have celebrated Thanksgiving with family three days in a row! Our tummies are full and we are ready for the Christmas holiday "madness" to begin!

Our family has never been one to get a Christmas tree anytime before early, or even mid-December. I just do not like rushing out and getting a tree when it is still November. However, we have now turned into "one of those" families! In an effort not to drive myself completely crazy this holiday season, I thought it might be best to go ahead and get our tree going a little earlier this year. So, we did it... TODAY! It is not even December, that's just craziness to me!

Our original plan was to actually get the tree locally yesterday. Mother nature did not cooperate with that plan, and I am so glad it worked out that way. Since it was rainy yesterday we put the tree plans on hold until today. So, yesterday I mentioned something to Doug about driving to the mountains and actually going to a tree farm for our tree. As the day went on, I was loving the idea. And, after today, I think a new Koehler family tradition has been born! Not only getting the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving, but driving to the mountains and visiting a tree farm for a "cut your own" Christmas tree!

The boys loved the idea of going to the mountains and picking a tree. Bryson kept asking if we would be "climbing" the mountain to look for our tree. We truly did not know what to expect or exactly where we would go, but it all worked out. We ended up (randomly) in Roaring Gap, NC at a place called Montsinger's Tree Farm. Really cute place! The farm (there is actually two) is gorgeous! The photos do not do it justice, it was beautiful. Along with the fact that the weather was perfect, the tree farm was fantastic. We were greeted at the entrance with a man playing Christmas carols on a saxophone, warm cider, and rows and rows and rows of fresh Christmas trees! It was the best experience!

And so there you have it..... the Griswald, oh, I mean Koehler family Christmas tree on it's way back to 2203 Baycourt Trail!

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