Tuesday, January 11, 2011

it's all about the mouse.....

To say Noah is "into" Mickey Mouse would be the greatest of understatements. Noah is all about some Mickey Mouse clubhouse right now!!! It is so funny how different kids are into different television shows and characters. Bryson was also into Mickey Mouse and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse series, but I think Noah is a bit more of an obsessed fan! He will wake up and immediately go downstairs and say "I watch Mickey Mouse... I watch Mickey Mouse... watch Mickey..... Mickey Mouse.... Mickey Mouse clubhouse...." It is the cutest thing I have heard a little one say! The way he says Mickey Mouse is too sweet. And then he will say "Mickey Mouse clubhouse.. come "side", fun "side." Which translated is "come inside, it's fun inside." It's part of the theme song for those non Mickey followers out there.

So, maybe it was our trip to Disney last fall, or maybe "inherited" from his older brother, or maybe a result of the in home daycare he was in as an infant (Dianne's husband loved Mickey too!)...... whatever it is.... Noah loves Mickey Mouse!


  1. Awww!!! So cute! He is such a Cute and Sweet little boy!! I love him!

  2. Aww, what a sweet picture! I love sleeping baby pictures! :)
