Monday, January 3, 2011


In years past I have always tried to do something a little "special" with the boys around New Year's. I am not a huge "New Year's Eve party person," so, I guess I feel I have to make-up for it to my children??????

Anyway, this year on New Year's Eve we ventured right into our backyard - Raleigh, NC. We decided to go downtown and explore Raleigh Winterfest. I am not sure how long the city of Raleigh has been doing this, but it is really a cute idea. Downtown is all decorated and there is an outdoor ice skating rink! The boys love to go ice skating, so it was "game on" for them!

The weather was really nice that day, so there was a bit of melting taking place, but it was still great! I have never seen such determination on a five year old's face as I did on Bryson's! He must have gone around that rink 112 times! Literally!!!! It was also a nice bonus that Krispy Kreme doughnuts was right across the street so we could enjoy a snack of chocolate peppermint doughnuts!!! Yum!


  1. Did you get to see the acorn drop? We live in Cary but have yet to make it downtown for NYE. I found your blog back in the summer when I was planning my 1-year-old's party. And didn't I see a shark party on here at one time too? That is what we're planning for our 4 year old in May. Happy New Year!

  2. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Love the pictures!
