Tuesday, February 8, 2011

i was contacted by spaceships and laserbeams!

Yes, my husband said eventually it would happen!

So, about a week ago I received an email from Stephanie at SpaceshipsandLaserbeams.com, a new Etsy shop specializing in very cute party supplies just for boys! Just for boys... well I have THREE of those! Perfect! Anyway, Stephanie came across Noah's first birthday party post and asked about using it on her blog. Without hesitation, I agreed, and today she emailed that the feature is on the blog! I am still amazed at the response I received about Noah's fist birthday party. It has been so amazing to hear kind words and compliments from so many people. I hope that his second party turns out as wonderful! (I am in full time party planning mode already for Noah's second... and Cameron's tenth!!!!)

Thanks SpaceshipsandLaserbeams for sharing Noah's first birthday party!


  1. Jenn, that is awesome. We need to figure out how to turn how good you are at this into $$ for you.
