Monday, March 14, 2011

noah's kite party details

Once upon a time, on a sunny, blustery day in March a little boy named Noah Alden celebrated his second birthday with his family and friends! Noah was a very lucky boy to have special friends and family surround him on his special day.

We could not have asked for a more perfect windy March day for a kite theme! Noah and his friends played in the back yard with bubbles and balls, ran around under the sun and clouds, colored kites and enjoyed time together as friends. Noah's mommy wanted to do a "kite parade" with our handmade kites, but the children had other plans! Noah's mommy also had a "pin the tail on the kite" game to play... and forgot!

After playtime, we all enjoyed snacks of cheerios, orange slices, popcorn, goldfish, marshmallows and cantaloupe cups. Then, it was time for yummy cake. Decorated just like a kite themed party cake should have been, it was fabulous! Little Noah's favorite part were the fondant kites which he ate off the sides of the cake while his friends sang Happy Birthday!

After blowing out the candles it was more playtime and then opening gifts with his big brothers.

As the party was winding down, we handed out the party favors of fluffy "cloud like" cotton candy with spinning pinwheels attached to each of our guests. Then we bid farewell and shared final birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday Noah!


  1. So cute and fun! Love that his second birthday turned out perfect!

  2. sorry we missed it :(
    Looks like it was a beautiful party-well planned, Jenn! Seems even mother nature is becoming a fan of your parties :) Glad it was a great day! Happy 2nd Birthday Noah!
