Friday, April 1, 2011

double digits!

For most people today is celebrated as April Fool's Day. But, in our house, today is much more special. Today my oldest "baby boy" turns TEN! How did this happen? How can I be the mommy of a child that old?????

Yes, ten years ago today, at 11:25 am to be precise, our first born entered the world and Doug and I were were completely smitten. I can still vividly remember Cameron's birth and what I thought the very first time I looked at him. OK, maybe the second thing I thought when I looked at him, because the first thing I thought was "oh dear God, he's blue! I have given birth to a baby smurf!!!!! However, once he cried and breathed a bit, he turned a nice shade of pink!

So, today my "baby boy" awoke to a floor covered in balloons (a recently started tradition around our house!) and then breakfast in bed of blueberry pancakes. And, tomorrow is the big sleepover party!

Happy Birthday Cameron! Happy Tenth Birthday!!!!! We love you so much!!!!!!!!!

****photo credit Melissa Tsao*****

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