Friday, June 10, 2011

bug the dark!

Last weekend our local museum in Durham, the Museum of Life and Science, offered a really cool event. They were doing a bug hunt in the dark after hours with black lights and "bug experts" to give bug info. It sounded like so much fun. However, when I called to get out tickets, they were already sold out. Not happy!

So, after hubby and I discussed it, we decided we would just "create" our own bug hunt in the dark at home. We turned on our outside flood lights to attract all the creatures, picked up our flash lights, and headed outside! The kids thought it was one of the coolest things we have ever done! We spotted spiders, beetles (again, Noah's favorite!), moths, and the moon!!!

Two things about this.... one, call the museum early next year for tickets! And, two, kids really can have so much in their own backyard!

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