Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the "maine" review!

We are back!   Let me just say that if you have never been to Maine, please put it on your "bucket list."  Maine is simply breathtaking.  Beautiful!

After flying into Boston and driving into southern Maine, we stayed here our first night, the Union Bluff Hotel.  Amazing views of the water and amazing rooms.  Would highly recommend this place to anyone.  Loved it!

Nubble Lighthouse.  One of my favorites!

This was the quirkiest little building on the side of the road.  I made Doug stop the car so I could get a picture of it.  Again, probably one of my favorites.

This is overlooking from the drawbridge in the little town called Perkins Cove.  Perkins Cove was probably the cutest little town we visited.  Plenty of boutique shops and restaurants surrounded by this marina area where the lobstermen came in and out of.

the scenic lobster boat tour

The Bush estate on Walker's Point.  The former president was in the front yard and waved to us as we went by!  Seriously!

We had the most amazing whale watch tour ever!  One we will never be able to repeat again.. ever!  The captain of our boat said that he had been doing this tour for nearly 15 years and he had never seen this many right whales in one area.  Right whales are on the endangered list and he said what we were seeing was probably half the population.  They usually are found more in the Nova Scotia area.  It was mind blowing how large the creatures are and how close they were to our boat.  One swam right under us!  Scary at first, but then cool!

on the streets in Kennebunkport

at Cape Elizabeth Light

ate lots of these....

Portland Head Light

"The Bug" Light in South Portland.  The architecture of this lighthouse was so intricate and majestic.

We decided that if we win the lottery we are moving to Maine and this will be our house!

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