Friday, December 30, 2011

every tree has a story....

Once upon a time, there was a family.  This family went out on an adventure to find the "perfect" Christmas tree for their home.  They loaded up in the car and headed northwest to the mountain area of North Carolina in search of a tree.

And what to our wandering eyes should appear..... but a Christmas tree farm very near!

There WERE creatures stirring... as you can see!

So, we looked and looked and measured them all, only to find that we needed one very tall!

The Christmas tree man took us to a "secret" tree place where we could search for trees at our own pace.

Alas, we succeeded and found the right one!  Hooray!  Hooray! This tree hunt is done!

The man cut down our tree lickety split, and threw it in the back of truck to fit.

Away goes our tree to be bundled up tight.  For we still have a trip to see Christmas lights!

While we waited for our tree to be tied down, they offered us hot cocoa which caused a big frown!

Finally we were done and ready to go!  Dances of joy, a Christmas tree to show!

A quick stop on the way to the lights.   For a photo with Mommy on this of all special nights!  Mommy's 40th birthday is today... No way!!!!

(And Noah is TWO in case you needed to know!)

So, with the tree tied on top of car, we headed to the light show not so far.

Christmas lights abound and some traffic too.  But, all in all, it was quite the "ta do!"

And there you have it, our Christmas tree story. 
 Good night, Good night, Good night to all!

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