Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby Noah

Baby Noah made his arrival on Friday, March 13, 2009. Yes, Friday, March 13th. I was not too sure about having a baby on Friday the 13th, but God just had it all planned out for us that way. Labor started actually Thursday afternoon and by Thursday night I had called Gommy to say that tonight might be the night. So.... Doug picked up the boys from school/preschool and brought them home while Gommy made her way here from Greensboro. As luck would have it, my "baby watch" people that had volunteered to keep the boys just did not work out as planned. So, Greg decided to stay at our house with Cameron and Bryson since Gommy and Granddaddy would be heading to the hospital for the big debut!
We arrived at the hospital and I started to get a little concerned because the nurses were talking about how "busy" they were that night. After they finally checked me they told us that we would definitely be staying to have a baby tonight because I was at 4cm. (I really thought it was more, but that's what they said!)
So, we all got settled in to a delivery room... Me, Doug, Gommy and Granddaddy. The first hour was kind of fun... we talked about the baby (his name was unknown at that time), we watched a little tv, talked with the nurses, had a snack. Then we waited.... and waited... and waited!!! Since Bryson made his debut in only 15 minutes, we were all convinced that this baby would be just as fast! However, Noah had a different plan. He obviously did not want his birthday to be Thursday March 12th, he wanted to wait all night and put his Mommy through much pain and then arrive Friday morning, March 13th. I still cannot believe that we all stayed up all night long waiting for this little guy. Although while I was having my water broken "Daddy Doug" was snoozing on the sofa! Not fair! Poor Gommy and Grandaddy... they stayed up the ENTIRE time waiting with me!
Our midwife (we changed when we got to the hospital because the doctor on call was a stranger to us) was fantastic. I do not think I could have made it through labor and delivery (medicine free) without her. I only asked about the epidural a couple of times and she knew that it was the pain talking, not my head, and she managed to help me though it each time. Everyone keeps asking me why I decided to go through Noah's birth without any medication. The only thing I can say is it was a decision that I made when I found out I was pregnant. Since I made it through Bryson's birth without medication, I was determined to do it "natural" again. Little did I know, however, that Noah would take NINE hours to get here! Bryson was only 15 minutes of pain... nine hours was a little different!! I REALLY did not think I could do it midway through. I looked at Doug a couple of different times and said "I cannot do this." Poor thing, I don't think he knew how to respond. And my poor mommy, I think it stressed her out. My midwife made a comment that made perfect sense to me in regards to "natural (no epidural or meds) childbirth. She said "It's kind of like when people train for marathons... why go through all that pain and physical anguish for a marathon? It's the rewarding feeling at the end!"
So, I will definitely never forget any detail of Noah's birth. That is very special to me to have those memories in my mind. Noah entered the world crying more that Cameron and Bryson but just as beautiful! It was a perfect moment. And to have Doug and my Mom and Dad right there made it all the more perfect!!!! Thanks Mommy, Daddy and Doug for being there for me and Noah!!!!!!!

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