Sunday, April 11, 2010

the art exhibit

Yesterday we went to the historic Burwell School in downtown Hillsborough for a very special Open House reception to celebrate the Orange County Schools Art Exhibit. Every spring the schools in our area choose a certain number of art pieces from each school to be shown in a county art show. Cameron was extremely excited this year when he brought home a letter saying that one of his art pieces would be shown! He had a piece shown when he was in kindergarten as well.
Our family, and Grandaddy, attended the show yesterday to view Cameron's art. And, we all learned a little something in the process! Cameron's art piece was a "mola." Yes, you might be saying what I was saying, "what is a mola??!" Well, according to Cameron, it is a piece of art where you take paper and cut the shape of what you want, and then layer the shapes on top of each other, to almost make it look three dimensional. It is a very cool concept! Cameron was very proud, and we are very proud of our little artist!

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