Sunday, April 11, 2010

Scrabble with a four year old...

So, yesterday, Bryson and I were in the kitchen together. I was feeding Noah in the high chair and Bryson was sitting at our kitchen table with Cameron's Scrabble game. (Scrabble is the new favorite game in our house right now!) So, Bryson is sort of "playing" by himself. He is actually copying what Cameron will sometimes do, and picking letters to make random words. So, he puts down the letters A - N - O - E. He asked me what it spelled and I said, "well, if you put a C at the beginning it will spell CANOE." He smiled and said, "well I don't have a C, Mommy." Then, few minutes later, he said "Mommy, I drew a C, so I can make C - A - N - O - E like you said." He was so pleased with himself for making the word. And I said, "good job Bryson, you made the word CANOE. You know what a CANOE is, right?" And, Bryson said "yes...... it is the thing the caterpillar goes into before he pops out into a butterfly!!!!"

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