Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of july beach weekend recap!

Our family spent the Fourth of July holiday weekend enjoying our annual Koehler/Couture family beach get together. For almost 10 years now, our family has met my very dear friend from ECU, LeeAnne, and her family at the beach to enjoy time together. I look forward to this every summer!!!! Since the Couture family now lives in South Carolina, this time gets more and more precious, as we are all busy and only get to see each other once a year! The kids have the best time and seem to "reconnect" instantly every year!

Last year we did not have a chance to do our annual beach trip, due to our family having the stork drop off a "bundle of joy" (aka Noah!) to us! But, the year before, we had a great time at the Outer Banks! Side note..... the photos attached to this previous blog post actually contain Noah in my belly the whole time and I had NO IDEA he was there!!!!!

Our previous beach trips have always been fun mixed in with some kind of "drama." Nothing, bad... just usually drama of some sort. The Outer Banks year it was Cameron having an allergic reaction when we arrived that seemed to get much worse as the weekend progressed. So much so that his little face looks distorted in many photos! Anyway.... the beach trip this year was no exception to the "drama." Let me just "recap" quickly in a few words, then I'll share the sweet photos (there are LOTS) from our wonderful weekend! This year we...... had Bryson wake up the morning we were leaving with a bit of a "bug," we got lost finding the beach place and added about 45 minutes onto our trip, had a child (not mine) with a migraine Saturday night WITH the vomiting... IN THE CAR, an almost lost wallet, then keys locked in our car with no extra set and 2 1/2 hours from home, a dad with a boogie board accident and busted open nose, and then another child (mine!) waking Sunday night with tummy pains and vomiting! Really????!!! What are the odds of all this in only three days?? But, seriously, the trip was great and I am already looking forward to next year's!!!

We miss you guys already Couture family!!!!

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