Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What did you have for dinner last night?!

So, about a year or so ago I created this little jar that stays in the kitchen called the "fun things to do jar." It is filled with pieces of paper that have fun things to do on a rainy day or a boring day (do we have those at the Koehler house anymore???). The purpose was to give the boys ideas for things to do as a family on an otherwise uneventful day. The jar has been a big hit.

So... the other day I came across this really cute "chore chart" that you can download free from Parents. com. I decided to create a chore chart for Cameron and Bryson to get them in the habit of getting an allowance if they help around the house. This idea led to one more... another jar. This time it is a "reward jar!" The boys LOVED this idea. It is used to randomly "reward" good behavior or doing all your chores for a certain length of time without being asked. I finally put it all together last weekend. I decided to "test" it out last night. Cameron's reward was "getting to stay up 30 minutes past your bedtime." He was pretty excited about that one! And Bryson's reward (luck of the draw!) was "you get to chose tomorrow night's menu!" Okay.. what was I thinking when I made up this one? So, I explained the concept to Bryson thinking he would pick a dinner of chocolate cookies and ice cream. But, his menu of choice was ravioli and spaghetti and meatballs! Yes, ravioli AND spaghetti and meatballs! And no veggies! I have no idea where the meatball thing came form, because I have never made that here. Anyway... for all of you moms out there wondering what to have for dinner tomorrow night.... you could do ravioli and spaghetti and meatballs - no veggies!!!!!!

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